Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hi, my name is Negative Nancy

Have you ever just felt like you're spread way too thin to actually give your best at anything? Well, right now that is exactly how I feel. In every single area in my life I feel like I am completely slacking. I feel like I am drowning in life's responsibilties, and I don't see anything changing for a while. It is driving me crazy, and I am afraid I am driving everyone around me crazy. I try to always be positive and upbeat, but here lately I can see a negative difference in my attitude. First step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, right?!

Everyday, I have all these wonderful initentions to get this or that done. And I always find myself stressed to the max, and by the time I get home from a 14 to 15 hour shift I don't want to do anything except get in my pjs and catch up on the latest raunchy reality tv. And if I do anything it's only half ass. My house is constantly a wreck which stresses me out THAT much more! It also seems like my bitch switch is being flipped more and more. I have got to get things under control, but I don't even know where to start. Right now, I can't really drop hours from work because I am trying to get through school without borrowing a penny. Do you know how much school costs!? It is absolutely insane. Oh and did I mention school starts back next Tuesday?! Lord help me! I will be writing on average 3-5 papers a week for this class. Thankfully it is only 4 weeks long, but I have a feeling that those 4 weeks are going to drag out.

This post wasn't an invitation to a pity party, but to try and get some advice! How do you handle your busy schedule? Any stress reliever ideas?
Send a prayer up for me or send some positive vibes on down to Bama so that maybe I can stop stressing out and start enjoying life before it passes by.

Happy Hump Day!
xoxo, Blondie 


  1. Hi Leah! Sorry to hear how you've been feeling lately. I think we've all been there! Try to keep your head above water and stay positive! Kudos to you for working so hard to pay for your education! Keep up the hard work, it WILL pay off! Try to catch a break here and there so you don't drain yourself too much. If you have any friends or family near by to chat with you or to come over and help you around your house, that may help keep you in good spirits! I personally call my Mom or a close friend when I'm feeling stressed to the max. Just venting and hearing their kind words helps lighten my mood! And when I need to relieve my own stress, I love going outside and getting some fresh air. Or I play with my dogs because who doesn't love playing with a goofy carefree dog?! :) I personally make a weekly list of the top priority things to get done around my house or errands that need to be done and whatever I don't get to, I'll get to it next week. Whatever you decide to do to lessen your stress, best of luck to you!

    ~ An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it's going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming. ~

    <3 Julie

  2. Props to all that you do! You can do it! :) One thing at a time and one foot in front of the other. Thats all I got...

  3. Hi Leah! Hope you are feeling better :-) I'm Heather and I was wanted to know if you would be able to answer my question about your blog! If you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com I would greatly appreciate it :-)
