Friday, May 10, 2013

Finish the Sentence Link Up!

Sorry, I was MIA yesterday, but I am back in full force on this fab Friday!
I am linking up with the awesome Holly & Jake!


Unlike my siblings (that I love very much) will not catch me in a pair of Converse anymore...I may or may not have went through a phase in high school (when I thought I was the shit...bless my heart) where I wore black converse with everything. I also may or may not have gotten that inspiration from Avril Lavigne. Everyone has that weird punk stage, right?

My best friend says...that I give out some of the best advice..unfortunately, no one usually ever follows through with that advice

People call me...Leah, LeLe, Leetus, Letard and the list goes on and on

I most often dream...about what my future is going to be far I see palm trees, fruity drinks, and a blue ocean

The best part of my when I take my bra off. Can I get an AMEN?!

I really don't understand...why I can't just make a living out of watching TV

I get really annoyed...when someone leaves an empty toilet paper roll instead of putting a new one up and at stupid ass drivers....both of these will put from calm to bat shit crazy in 1.3 seconds!

There's nothing like a...fresh mani/pedi, a shopping spree (with someone else's money), and some frozen yogurt.

Lately, I can't get enough..SALT on EVERYTHING. That is probably why I am a bloated like a beached whale

One thing I am NOT is...TALL. I may rock some heels and appear to have some height, but I am only 5 foot 2 on a really good day

I spent too much money on...MYSELF! What can I say I work hard and I like to spoil myself.

I want to to play the guitar. Heck, I would be happy if Tyler learned how to play the guitar. A few years ago he begged for one for his birthday. So I bought him one thinking about how sexy he would be playing it. He can play one song and let's just say Mary had a Little Lamb isn't really a
panty dropper.

If I ever met _______, I would... LUKE BRYAN...shake it ALL night long for him

Never have I ever...had my eyebrows waxed, nor have I tweezed them. I have always wanted to, but I am a big tit and immensely afraid it would rip them all out

Reese Witherspoon...will always be Elle Woods to me...oh and an American Citizen!

Happy Friday, my loves!
xoxo, Blondie

1 comment:

  1. Stopping by from the linkup! I think the toilet-paper-thing is probably my number 1 pet peeve in life. I don't get it. Anyway haha have a great day!
