Monday, May 20, 2013


Contrary to the title of this post I didn't come here to do math, but to announce that my sister's family grew over the weekend! Instead of just her and Christian there is a new baby boy in town, Noah Finley. He was born Sunday, May 19 at 10:28 AM. He weighs 8lbs 6oz and 20in long. He has a head full of hair and has already proven to be a tough cookie beause he is black and blue in the face from trying to get out of the birth canal. He kept wanting to try and push his way through with his arms and it looks like he beat himself up.

Sweet Noah

You can see his bruising and swelling in this picture

Not real sure what to think of little brother

Over the past couple of weeks we have been preparing for this little bundle of joy. Day in and day out excited with anticipation of his arrival..never knowing when it would be. It actually worked out best that he decided to surprise yesterday. We all were off work so we didn't have to scramble around like crazy. Christian went with our dad and we all made our way to the hospital. When we got there Molly around 8:30 AM she was already at 8 and within just a few minutes made her way to 9 and her water broke. She decided to go ahead and get a spinal tap to ease some of the pain. By 10:28 AM, Noah Finley had arrived! It was quick and rather easy for Molly this time around. Much different than Christian's birth. We all were ecstatic, and I got in all kinds of baby snuggles yesterday. I may or not have been called a baby hog at least ten times.

Lele loves him so much already!!

Lastly, this weekend I also recieved a special delivery! Finally, I got my first BRADY BAND!! I was so excited, y'all! I was actually a little doubtful that it would not slip even though I have read countless of reviews saying they don't. I am here to tell you that they REALLY DO NOT SLIP! I have very fine, thin hair and it holds perfectly! I even slept in it and it didn't even budge! I am definitely hooked!

I hope you had a spectacular weekend! Tell me all about it :)
xoxo, Blondie

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new nephew! :) So fun. They really don't slip on your hair? Hmmm... I have the same type of hair- literally we look like we have the same color as well. I can never find a band that doesn't slip! I've bought Nike, Under Armor, etc... and they all act like I have a cone head! LOL I will have to try them out.
