Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A new beginning

For those that are coming over from Holly's blog thanks for popping over and checking me out! If you like what you see please click on the Follow on Bloglovin button.

You know when enough is enough?! Well I hit that point last week after shit hit the fan when I binged out. I decided I was going to clean out all the crap food in my house and start from scratch. Last Thursday I got rid of tons and tons of food when I cleaned out my fridge and freezer. I was tired of being tempted by those evil ice cream sandwiches, homestyle yeast rolls, and pizza rolls.

Trying to do my part in cleaning out the fridge by drinking beer
I have learned through trial and error that best way to stick to a plan is to actually make a plan. Yeah, you would think that would be obvious, but sometimes I like to take the lazy route. That's probably how I became a chubster anyways. I decided I was going to start planning EVERYTHING out. I am not real sure why I have never been real good at planning out food since I am pretty much OCD about planning everything else in my life.

I set out a game plan and headed to WalMart, my least favorite place in the world. I live in a small town and that is our only option unless you want to go to the redneck carnival known as Foodland. Seriously, that place is crawling with people who look like Joe Dirt's twin brother. I bought all kinds of fruits, veggies, and stuff to make my own salad. I am now ready to tackle the rest of the week in the food department!

One of my WalMart finds...not too bad
I am excited I finally have my shit back together just in time for bikini season. Speaking of bikinis I recieved the two that I ordered from Victoria's Secret this past weekend. And I don't completely hate what I look like in them. Maybe I will get pictures in them soon?!

I hope y'all have a wonderful Tuesday!
xoxo, Blondie


  1. GO BAMA GO! Just gave you my digits. I feel like our relationship just turned another page! You got this girl! PS that totally sounds like my idea of cleaning out the fridge! hollah

  2. I am now a new follower thanks to Holly, and I must say I felt like I was reading my weekend story. I too felt I needed to clean out the fridge! Shopping is Thursday's detail...I had healthy things in my fridge...but I may or may not have eaten a frozen pizza ( not the whole thing but still) on Friday...with Ranch! Love the koozie ;) I have two!! :) You got this girl!!

  3. Damn pizza rolls. They get me every time!
