Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Advocare Herbal Cleanse

Hello Blogfam! Sorry, I was MIA Friday & Monday, I have worked a total of 45 hours between the office and the Dairy Delight just since Friday & it is only 7 AM on Tuesday ...so life has been pretty hectic. I am ready for a break! Although this weekend I did get to go bowling Friday night after work & Saturday afternoon I got a pedicure with my momma & I went to a wedding with my sister.

Building Chicken Boxes all day long

2 strikes in a row!!
Pedicure with my mommy
Nat & I at the wedding
Somehow I convinced Tyler of getting off the couch he was laying on to take my heels off ;)
If you follow me on Instagram (@blondietellsall) then you already know I started the Advocare Herbal Cleanse yesterday. (I will be posting my results at the end of 10 days! It went really well. I was really surprised by that because I have such a SWEET TOOTH. I literally couldn't tell you the last day that went by that I didn't eat some kind of sweet. Well, yesterday I broke up with sugar...don't worry it's only temporary, but next time when we get back together we will only be seeing each other occasionally. I had developed an extremely unhealthy relationship with sugar and sweets. I craved something sweet last night, but I grabbed apples instead and was sorta satisfied. I am not going to lie...there is a bag of mini snickers in my pantry that I want to devour, but I am the kind of person if I spend money on something than I am going to do the best I can.

For Breakfast I had the bearable Fiber Drink that comes with your cleanse and a banana & kiwi.. I am not going to lie I had to choke that shit down at some points. I chose the peaches & cream flavor over the citrus flavor for the fiber drink. I had a turkey salad for lunch with another kiwi. For snacking I ate some apples with natural peanut butter (I am usually a caramel kind of girl), strawberries, and some pickles. For supper I had a turkey burger with spinach, tomato, and grilled onions on a whole grain bun & I had paired with some pickles and strawberries.

Overall, on my first day I would say I felt pretty great. I really did feel more energized and less letarghic by the end of the day. After working 14 plus hours on Monday I still felt like I had energy when usually all I want to do is crash. I would say that is a win.

How was your weekend?! Ever done the cleanse...give me some tips and tricks!

xoxo, Blondie


  1. AGH!!!!!! I start when I get back from Cali... I have my box and ready to go. LOL

  2. Wow I'm glad I'm not the only one who was MIA this weekend :-) I think you were slightly busier than me tho! I did the advocare cleanse a few months ago and the last 3 days sucked for me...I felt great the first few days then I didn't switch things up enough and got bored! I actually gagged on broccoli lol :-)

  3. Your post mentions a little bit about a certain herbal cleanse, I've actually never heard of that kind of herbal cleanse before, how does it work??
