Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Weekend Getaway

Like I metioned last week we went to Tunica this past weekend. We always have a blast! I don't go to win money, I go for the free beer :)

We left Friday afternoon and made it to the hotel around 10. When we checked in they had our reservations under another man's name even though I had our printed confirmation with our names on it. No biggie, the nice man just cancelled that and rebooked us a room (or so we thought, more on that later) We got in the room, threw some makeup on, and headed out to the casino floor.

While Tyler was busy losing his money on the blackjack table; I was playing the penny slots, drinking beer, and people watching. Now, Tunica is NO Las Vegas, but there are some strange characters wandering around...there is the 87 year old grandmother with her fanny pack stuffed with dolla dolla bills, the guy who seriousy looked like he was 12, the men who thought they were "gangsta", and then there were the "in the middle of a mid-life crisis" drunk ladies.

I found this hat in the gift shop. I should have bought it and stolen the fanny pack off of a granny!

Saturday we decided to make the most of our trip, and head over to Memphis for lunch. We decided to eat at Rendezvous. I am not going to lie, it was a HUGE dissapointment. Everyone, and I mean, EVERYONE we asked said to go there. All 4 of us were really dissapointed in the food, but the atmosphere was great. I loved the electic collection all over the walls. We headed back to the hotel to relax a little before heading back out to the casino.

We went out Saturday night..Tyler hoping to win some money back and me hoping to get a free buzz. Mission accomplished...for me! We decided we would eat at the Paula Dean's buffet on the upper floor of the casino. Y'all I am NOT a buffet kind of person, but you can't pass up Paula Dean. Everything was delish! It was seafood night, so we filled up on oysters and crab legs! We decided we needed a nap after rolling ourselves out of there. About 1AM we went back for Tyler to lose EVEN more money...bless his heart. I would keep telling him "walk away, just walk away..you're up right now" but he just wouldn't listen and wouldn't stop until his chips were gone.

We LOVE butter, y'all!!!
Wasting pennies and wasting away
Sunday we got up, checked out, and headed home.

Yesterday, I was checking my bank account online, and it turns out that mistake checking in was never really fixed. My card was charged nearly $500 for this other man's stay. This girl right here was PISSED. I called and spoke to a lady trying to get my money back, but she wasn't any help. I asked to speak to a manager and after being on the phone with them for 2 hours I think everything is finally situated..It should all be cleared out by the end of the week. It was such a headache having to deal with all of this that they ended up giving us a free weekend so I am sure we will be heading back soon!

Sorry, I know this was a LONG post. If you have made it this far, thanks for sticking it out! :)
xoxo, Blondie

Friday, April 26, 2013

Short & Sweet

I have lots to do today so I am going to keep this one short and sweet
Yesterday afternoon I went and had my nails done and brought my nephew along. I was a little nervous of how he would behave, but he ended up behaving really well.

Later on that evening we went out to eat with Ash for her birthday, which was this past Saturday. We had a great time even though Christian started acting a little insane in the restaurant.

I also may or may not have ate 3 pieces of chocolate covered bacon from our local chocolate shop.

Well, I am off to get through this work day so that I can win it big this weekend at the casinos

Wish me luck!
xoxo, Blondie

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Apparently I am a follower

Since everyone is doing the whole 25 things list I figured I would jump right in!

1. I was born with incredibly crooked pinkies and it always tends to weird people out
2. I put crazy color in my hair when I was 19 years old...I wish I would have listened to people when they told me it looked like shit, but I rocked it because I loved it at the time. Looking back now I think it was completely hideous and I am not real sure why I EVER thought it looked good.
Wth was I thinking?!?
3. Speaking of hair..I dyed my hair brown once just to see what it was like. I HATED it! I felt like a completely different person!
4. I have this weird thing when I go grocery shopping where everything has to be organized in my buggy. Certain items can't even be beside one another or I will FREAK OUT!
5. I have an addiction to chapstick and at any given time I have at least 2 or 3 tubes with me
6. I can't swim...like really cannot swim, but I love being in the water!
This is how I wear my lifejacket in the lake
7. My lucky number is 7
8. A couple days after getting my license I went to my real dad's house, and as I was backing out of his driveway that has 2 posts at the end I scraped my car from the back all the way to the front on the driver's side. It turns out my real dad wasn't enthusiastically waving bye to me..he was trying to get me to stop. LOL 
9. I eat pickles like a pregnant woman.
10. I am OCD about brushing, flossing, and bleaching my teeth.
11. I have an irrational fear of raisins
12. Once Memorial Day gets here you can find Tyler and me on the lake every single weekend until Labor Day.
13. For my 19th birthday Tyler and me got tattoos on the inside of our left wrists. I got a breast cancer ribbon and Ty got an Alabama "A"
14. Every time I go into a store to buy something for someone else I always walk out buying something for myself also!
15. One of my favorite things to do is get my nails done
16. Whenever I hear a song I know I always sing along. If I am in the car it is like a full blown one woman concert!
17. I played the clarinet in the band and was also on colorguard in high school.
18. My first job was at the local Captain D's
19. I have a slight MAJOR obsession with Luke Bryan. I have been to 5 of his concerts and I am going to another one in July.
20. My favorite thing about me is my long, hookerish eyelashes.
21. My favorite movie is Where the Heart Is
22. I am pretty much an Instagram addict @blondietellsall
23. Tyler and me send pictures of cute and funny dogs to each other on a daily basis
25.I only wash my hair 3 times, at most, in a week...usually it is twice a week

I hope you have gotten to know me a little better 
xoxo, Blondie 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Midweek Vacay

Have you ever had one of those work days where it just seemed as if it would never end? You look at the clock and it has barely moved 2 minutes even though it seems like 30 minutes....if not, lucky you! Yesterday was one of those days for me. I needed a break from reality for a couple of hours to just relax and have fun. As soon as I got off I headed straight to the big city (ha!) aka Huntsville to meet up with Brittan. We spent the afternoon shopping, getting pedicures, and eating Mellow Mushroom. It really doesn't get much better than that! I bought a couple of tops, some jewelry, and picked up some things for baby Noah! I found a pair of lavendar pants that were to DIE for, but unfortunately they were a size too big. I am on the lookout for some similar! We had such a great time, and I am excited to wear some of my new things this weekend when Tyler, his parents, and I head to Tunica.
The pants I adore, but can't fit in :(
Loving these necklaces & they were only 3$ a piece!

Goofing off in TJ Maxx

xoxo, Blondie

Friday, April 19, 2013

Where do you sign up to be a Horizontal Runner?

This is my mantra today!

Yesterday afternoon when I got off work I decided to head to the park and go for a run. I have the Cookie Dash 5K I am doing on Saturday. Lets just be honest for a minute...I am only running for the unlimited amount of free cookies after the race, duh! So, I take off and everything seems cool until I am about a quarter of mile in. I literally feel like I am going to die. I would so rather just pull a Fat Amy and sign up for horizontal running!

It really pisses me off and frustrates me so bad that I have become so out of shape. This time last year I could run 5 miles no problem and then head to a zumba class and give it my all. Around May of last year I started having major trouble with my IT Band and had to give up running for a while. Then I started working more and the gym kinda got put on the backburner all while I was shoving cupcakes and chili cheese fries down my piehole. I would still hit up the gym like once a week, but not giving it my all like I was when I was going six times a week. Then, this past January I was put on Accutane and OMG it has knocked me down even further. I couldn't even walk a half mile on the treadmill at first without literally hurling (tmi), I couldn't eat anything, and I literally ached all over my entire body. I talked to my doctor and I think I have the meds leveled out now and I have finally started getting back in the gym more regularly. Some days are good and some days are bad. Yesterday was BAD...proof is in the picture below!

This was me at the Cookie Dash last year! I had placed 2nd in my age group and also set a PR for my 5k coming in at 28:59. I couldn't have been more proud when I crossed that finish line. I have been dreading tomorrow's race like no other, but I have decided I am just going to go out there and have fun. It can't be too bad...at least there are cookies at the end!

Have a FAB weekend :)
xoxo, Blondie

Thursday, April 18, 2013

My First Finish the Sentence Link Up


Today I will be linking up with Holly & Jake with Finish the Sentence.

1. I laughed so hard I cried when I.....accidentally shat my pants pulling into my dad's driveway. To this day my sister and I still will bust out laughing thinking about that morning!!

2. My high school....is where I met the love of my life and my 2 best friends!

3. It really pisses me off....when people ask for advice and then do the EXACT opposite. Don't make me waste my breath when you aren't going to listen.

4. In ten years...I hope to have won the BIG lottery, and be laying on a private beach, sipping on a Corona, and reading a book (a girl can dream, right?)

5. If I could erase one thing...it would be this fine line wrinkle that is forming on my forehead. Wth? I am 23, ain't nobody got time fo dat!

6. In 1999, I was 9 turning 10, and I had more beanie babies than I could count. Sure do wish I had all that money my parents spent on those overpriced things!

7. Honestly....I need about 10 more hours in a day and the energy of a 5 year old.

8. To me, Sushi....is DELISH!

9. Someone really needs to invent....a camera that subtracts 10 pounds rather than add 10 pounds

10. The first time I drank alcohol....I woke up in a kitty litter box, thank God it had just been cleaned because I would have DIED!

11. The one question I would ask God is...Who let the dogs out? Who? Who? Who?

12. Lindsay Lohan....as a true southern belle would say...BLESS HER HEART!

xoxo, Blondie



I haven't commented about the tragedy at the Boston Marathon on the blog, but it has definitely weighed heavily on my heart. A lady I have ran with several times participated in the marathon and was less than a quarter of a mile away from the finish line when the first explosion went off. Her husband witnessed it all since he was less than 200 yards away. I am so thankful that they escaped with no physical injuries, but I know those images and emotions will forever haunt them. Then I think about the ones who were less fortunate..the ones who were injured and the ones who lost their lives. I have been so upset for the father who lost his son who was waiting on his daddy to cross the finish line, I think about his daughter who lost her leg, and his wife who has critical brain injuries. I hurt for him and everyone else who was impacted by this terrible, diabolical scheme.

On Tuesday my nephew and I got out and ran in honor of ALL those who were victims on that day. It wasn't a training run, it wasn't a run that I tracked, and it wasn't a run that music was blaring in my ears. It was a run where I reflected on the tragedy, and then I reflected on the things I am most thankful for and the things that I take for granted the most. It is sad that it takes things like this to snap you back to reality, but I am thankful for the reality check. I always feel like I am always to busy for this and always to busy for that. Sometimes I should just slow it down and relax and enjoy my life and my loved ones now because I am not promised tomorrow.

xoxo, Blondie

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Weekend Happenings on a Wednesday

This weekend was jam packed! We had all kinds of plans made, and then we also had some things that came up that made this weekend a very tiring one.

On Friday nights I usally work at the Dairy Delight (Tyler's family owns it so we both work up there part time) We had just started our normal supper rush when we got a phone call from Tyler's uncle to check on his mom, which his Tyler's great grandmother who is 83. Jan and me drove over to her house and found her laying in the bathroom floor. It was a pitiful sight to see, it broke my heart knowing that she had fallen over a hour ago and had to scoot herself to the nearest phone to get in touch with someone. We ended up calling the ambulance just so that she could get checked out and that we would feel better knowing that she hadn't broken anything and that there wasn't something seriously wrong with her. Thank goodness she didn't break anything, but the doctors did discover she had a lung infection. She came home yesterday afternoon and is resting now.

Saturday morning, Tyler and me woke up rather early because we had a long day planned. We went over to his parents house and decided to shoot his new gun for a little bit. Let's just say I felt like a certified badass shooting that gun, which is hilarious because if you know me I am probably the furthest thing from badass there is.
After we got done shooting we headed home to get ready for an adoption celebration for my cousin. Her and her husband just adopted the sweetest, most handsome, and gentle little boy. He is such a blessing, and I could not be more happy for the three of them!

Sweet little Hayes
Crying or smiling he is still adorable


 After the family gathering we headed to eat with my bio dad, his wife, and my half sister, Sarah. We had a good time, but by the end of the dinner we were definitely ready to head back home.
Molly and me

I had a rude awakening when I got home because I had tons of homework to do, and it definitely wasn't going to do itself.

Homework can SUCK IT!

Sunday was a day full of work at the Dairy Delight. It was a slow day, and we had to pass time somehow. I would say we were pretty productive ;)
Happy HUMP Day
xoxo, Blondie

My family

Now I am going to introduce you the people who have put up loved me the longest, my family!
We are a crazy, dysfunctional, loud, loving, opinionated, and supportive bunch. I definitely would not be the person I am without these amazing people.

First up is my momma. She is the STRONGEST person I know. She has been through so much and has persevered through it all. She is such an inspiration to me. She does so much for all of us, and sacrifices more than any of us know. She has always taught me to be an independent woman and never depend on any man or anyone for that matter. We may not always see eye to eye on things, but I know without a doubt that she loves me and supports me more than anyone in this world.  

Next up is my daddy.  He goes above and beyond over and over for my sisters and me. He fixes anything and everything and if he can't figure it out he will find someone who can for us. He not only does that for us, but for anyone who needs help. He is just a good ole country guy that has always provided for us working from sun up to sun down. I am pretty much a Daddy's girl, and would be completely lost without my daddy.

My sister, Molly, is only a couple years younger than me & growing up we were super brats to each other, but as we have gotten older we have also become closer and nicer ;) She has a little boy, Christian, who has stolen my heart and she has another little boy, Noah, on the way who should make his debut towards the end of May. She is so sweet and kind and goes out of her way for others more than anyone I know. She still drives me crazy sometimes when she comes over and steals my clothes, but she does clean my house occasionally for me so I guess I will let it slide.

My sister, Natalie, is about 6 and a half years younger than me, but we are really close. She is an extreme goody goody and tends to always make me look like a hellion, but I kinda like it like that. She is an inspiration to young and old...so many people put on this face and try to pretend they are something they are not. My sister is one of those people who can talk the talk, but she also walks the walks. She is a worship leader at her church and also in the process of becoming leadership in her youth group. I couldn't be more proud to be her older sister! 

Lastly, is my outrageously adorable nephew, Christian. He is 5 years old and he is an absolute hoot! My sister had him when she was only 15 so we have all played major roles in his raising. He is definitely all boy. He loves Alabama football more than any kid I know, he loves being outside, and he loves school. He has been such a blessing in all of our lives. When he was born our family was in a really dark place, but he brought us all joy and really brought us all together again. He may not have been planned, but God definitely had a plan when he brought this sweet little boy into our lives!

Have a Happy Monday!
xoxo, Blondie